Credit Cards For Outdoor Adventures
BlogIf outdoor adventures are your passion, you probably have invested a lot of money in equipment and travel expenses. Credit cards with rewards programs can help you make the most of your outdoor adventures, but only if you manage your debt wisely and don’t incur expensive fees or interest.Resource :
What type of credit card can you use anywhere?
There are a variety of outdoor gear credit cards that offer perks and rewards, depending on your needs and spending habits. For example, the Academy Sports + Outdoors Credit Card, which is offered by Comenity Capital Bank, gives you five points for every dollar you spend at Academy stores and online. That can add up to some serious savings on pricier outdoor gear, such as an REI Garmin Forerunner 645 running watch.
The Cabelas Club Classic Credit Card offers a no annual fee and 2% cash back at the retailer. It also lets you earn CLUB points, which you can redeem for free gear and experiences at both Cabela’s and Bass Pro Shops. It’s important to note, however, that the card’s rewards are only valid at those two retailers and you can’t use your points to pay down your balance.
Another good option is the co-branded Costco Anywhere Visa, which provides solid cash back on many purchases — including gas. Plus, it provides a companion fares program and Alaska Airlines miles that can be used for flights, hotel stays and more. These rewards can help offset the card’s $1,500 a year membership fee.